Saturday, February 22, 2014

First try at 4x5 large format with Ektar 100 and a Cambo with 150mm lens

My first try at large format. I processed the negatives using the "taco" method, but my tank wasn't high enough, so I squeezed the negatives resulting in some visible damage. I scanned the negatives with my Epson V500, which doesn't cover the full width of the negative. This means I had to combine 2 scans in Photoshop using photomerge, which didn't went perfect. I have tone and perspective differences.

The first negative is my best. I didn't play with too many camera movements. I only used swing on the front panel to align the plane of focus with the crate besides the railway. I shot it at 1/60 and f11 on 150mm in heavy wind.

In the second image of the chapel in the field I used rise to keep the verticals. Or at least: that was the idea. I used the 150mm lens wide open at f5.6 and 1/125 since the wind was blowing head on onto the camera.

The third image is the one I like the most. I used crazy movements on the front and the back to try to make the left side of the building as big as the right side. In reality I was shooting the building sideways. On top of that, I added a front swing to shift the plane of focus completely. Only the central part of the building and the railing in the foreground in front of it are in focus. I took the image on 1/4 of a second at f32 in medium wind. It's a technical experiment with camera movements, but I like how the perspective and plane of focus turned out.

The fourth image of a toilet building in a deserted military airfield is the most disappointing. It is taken at 5 seconds with no wind (inside a building) at f22. I only used front rise to get the lines parallel. I also could have put the camera up higher, but I didn't to see how the image would turn out. There is a strange deformation in the image which I can't really point out. Maybe I forgot to put some movements on zero before framing the shot.

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